Opinion: 2016 KC Comprehensive Plan Update


I’m sorry to hear Kitsap County Commissioner, Ed Wolfe, has swallowed the “Smart Growth” rhetoric. In an article in The Kitsap Sun (1/31) “Taller Vision takes shape”. Wolfe explains why he thinks it is so great. Obviously he was tutored by Kitsap County planners.

It’s a planner’s utopian dream; build “up” not “out”. “…to bring the people here we have to build up,” Nonsense! “There is very little vacant land,” he says. Not true. Yes, land is expensive. It has been made so by planners manipulating the supply of land.

The Comp Plan’s ultimate goal is to pack citizens into high rise, dense urban areas; get them out of their cars onto public transit – light rail better yet – or walking – bicycling. Home buyers who can afford a single family home may be surprised to find no room in the backyard for a swing set or BBQ grill and only 10 feet away from their next door neighbors.

Protect (read “downzone”) by allowing no more than one dwelling unit every 5/ 10/20 acres. They want citizens to ride their bicycles back and forth in the winter rain, “Wolfe envisions new pathways and trails that allow people to talk, bike or traverse Silverdale by something other than an automobile.” So, Commissioner Wolfe when these “dream plans “come to fruition I’ll look for you biking about town.

Be careful before you jump on the Smart Growth band wagon, Commissioner. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Vivian Henderson

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